The Chinese Threat
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Bild: Illustration: Dmitri Broido

Ian Buruma

The Chinese Threat

There is no reason to believe that China wishes to use its increasing military power to conquer the West. The Chinese Communist Party is staking its hold on power on three things: social order, economic wealth, and national greatness.

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It now seems a long time ago that American members of Congress were smashing Japanese radios in front of the Capitol in Washington. But in 1987 many people feared that Japan would conquer the world, not by military force this time, but by exporting radios, television sets, video recorders, and especially cars.  Even most Americans were keener to buy a Toyota than a Buick or a Chevrolet.  Many bestsellers were written in the late 1980s warning of the great danger posed by Japan. The Japanese economy, driven by armies of grey-suited corporate samurai, and controlled by a protectionist bureaucracy, was thought to be unbeatable. Soon, we were told, much of New York City, most Hollywood ...
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