The Duchess of Drama
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Piers Morgan

The Duchess of Drama

Following THAT Oprah interview Piers Morgan was ousted from his job at ITV. He may be a Royal Pain In The Arse but he has refused to apologise for having an opinion. We should applaud him for that.

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Every good drama needs a villain. The epic bust-up between Harry and Meghan and the Royal Family in the wake of the Oprah interview is no exception and the villain of the piece is as dastardly a devil as you could not wish to meet. Piers Morgan has earned his stripes as a bad boy of the British and foreign press. He was fired as Editor of the Daily Mirror for his front-page splash using fabricated pictures of British troops urinating on Iraqi prisoners. He was required to give evidence at the Leveson Inquiry into press ethics after the alleged hacking of a dead girl’s phone to get a scoop for his paper. And he was thrown off his chat show in the USA for trying to lecture Americans abou ...
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